Full- Moon-Virgo + Workshop
Full- Moon-Virgo + Workshop
Full-Moon-Virgo-+Workshop. A time when moon wants practical results. A time of reflection and analyzing about the next steps in your life.

On This Week’s Show https://youtu.be/0ls4w6hUI3U
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Full Moon in Virgo is a full moon when we need to shine.
For it is a time when we want and need center stage for our emotions and ego.
So it is a time to allow other people shone as well under this the full moon energy.
A time to release all that is old and outworn emotional level and release them totally you will feel refreshed and ready to move forward now in life with confidence.
Full Moon Energy
Anything that is troubling you needs to be sorted out now after careful consideration and thought.
Some people will find they have a difficult time confronting themselves and their thoughts at this time as it seems heavy going.
You will not tolerate other people trying to tell you how to think and what decisions should be made now.
Like the world will continue to function even if you are not present at the moment while you sort though and analyse all your thought and ideas for the future.
Full-Moon-Virgo-+Workshop. A time when moon wants practical results. A time of reflection and analyzing about the next steps in your life.
The Virgo energy is always about, the need take your time to analyze your thoughts and emotions before proceeding forward in life.
Certainly you are always focused on practical solutions to life.
First of all diet health & hygiene are an important part of daily life always.
But you need to keep it all balanced.
Time to find the answers to your life.
A time to find the answers. Even though you may feel your life is ok.
Certainly you will always find time to slow down and need to take time out to analyze your life and the next steps that need to be taken.
You always need to feel you have given enough time to thought and processing of findings before implementing action in your life now.
There could some changes you need to make which still trouble you. Maybe it is the time to proceed slowly and
cautiously until your feel more comfortable.
Aquarius Sign of the Zodiac + The water Bearer+ Fixed + Active
To learn more about the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.
For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading
To learn more about the sign of Aquarius of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs.
Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.
Full-Moon-Virgo-+Workshop. A time when moon wants practical results. A time of reflection and analyzing about the next steps in your life.

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV
Jupiter In Sagittarius
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and opportunity
Plus remember we have the fiery and positive energy coming from Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Helping to move our lives forward in a positive and dynamic way now as new ideas and opportunities coming into our lives.
This is very powerful time for all of us and should not be wasted.
f lucky or unexpected opportunities can come out of no where now. Be ready to act on all that comes your way.
Just keep a positive outlook on life and be ready to seize every opportunity even if it is small you never know where it could lead to.,
Jupiter In Sagittarius – Until December 2019
Well it is going to be an action packed 13 months as Jupiter bring a magical twist to life especial for all Sagittarius we have waited 12 years for this cycle to come back again from November 2018 – to early December 2019 .
The motto should be make hay while the sun shines. Now is great time to start new projects as lady luck will shine her magic on you now.
First of all it does not matter what your star sign is we all benefit from Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Certainly a time when you feel more energy and positive surrounding you in life now.
As a result of the soul searching and digging below the surface in your life you had a number of revelations in life and not all were so positive.
But you brought them to the surface and made the required changes. Now you can reap the reward of all this hard work. New work opportunities are possible if that is what you are seeking.
Explore a much bigger world than what you have always known.
The world is your oyster now. So dream big and make it happen. Finally dreams can become a reality and all the hard work can pay off in a big way.
Remember get of the couch and make it happen. It is so worth it now. Shoot your arrows high and reach for the skies above
Full-Moon-Virgo-+Workshop. A time when moon wants practical results. A time of reflection and analyzing about the next steps in your life.
Simply Tarot Card Of week
To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Full-Moon-Virgo-+Workshop. A time when moon wants practical results. A time of reflection and analyzing about the next steps in your life.
Soy Candle Of Week
Astrology – Famous Actors
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Small changes bring results