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My account- Shopping cart for Amanda Hall Psychic – Readings- Candles – Tarot- Astrology. featuring teach your self tarot kits. Eco soy candles – Courses

Amanda Hall Psychic-Account
            Amanda Hall Psychic

With everyone being so time poor today it is no wonder that online shopping has become a way of life for most of us. So here at Amanda Hall Psychic we hop you will also enjoy the online shopping experience with us. We have an extensive range of readings, astrology charts, teach your self tarot kits, psychic products,   jewellery, and even Video Skype Course for your convenience.


Glimpse the future with a reading by Award Winning

Celebrity Psychic Astrologer Amanda Hall.

We are all on the Highway of Life.

What will the next turn bring?

What are the befits of online shopping? 

  • Compare price and quality with other online shops or bricks and mortar store
  • Shop when ever you like day or night
  • Open 24 hours day 7 days a week
  • Delivered to your home or work place
  • Able to ask questions before purchase
  • No pressure from sales person
  • Time to make your decision in your own time before purchase
  • Great return and refund policy

Checkout- Shopping cart for Amanda Hall Psychic – Readings- Candles – Tarot- Astrology. featuring teach your self tarot kits. Eco soy candles – Courses

What do we sell here at Amanda Hall Psychic?

  • Book a reading
  • Buy a candle
  • Learn Tarot
  • Psychic products.

Book A Reading

Amanda Hall Reading
Amanda Hall Reading

We aim to bring your the very best of Psychic service and products to enhance your life.

Amanda Hall Psychic is well know for her readings all over the world.

Readings can be by phone or email the choice is yours.

Always private and confidential.

Book today for next reading with Amanda Hall Psychic from our home page or here in the shop



Buy A Candle


Increased intuition. Open up to your spirituality

100 % Natural Eco Soy Candle

Intent- Purpose – Direction

Creating your new destiny and increase your natural with the help of your very own

Natural Eco Soy Candle today

Each hand poured with love

Intent – Purpose – Direction

  • Exciting times ahead as you co create your destiny .
  • Change your DESTINY increase your intuition
  • Soy Candle to enhance your life and bring positive and uplifting energy into your home in work environment.
  • Candle in glass container with lid perfect for any home/work environment.

Learn Tarot or Astrology

Simply Tarot Master Class in the virtual classroom for the modern learning on Video Skype


Now is the perfect time to learn from the master herself with over 40 year industry experience.

Amanda Hall Psychic has been teaching Tarot or Astrology to willing students for over 35 years.

Tarot or Astrology is a wonderful way of helping you through the journey of life.

Sharing with you all the possibilities that surround you.

Even sharing the mysteries of what is head of you.

  • Always wanted to learn Tarot?
  • Always wanted to Learn Astrology?
  • Now is the perfect Time!
  • In our very own Virtual classroom!


Psychic products

Zodiac Crystal Box

We stock a variety of new age psychic products to enhance your spiritual development.

  • Unique psychic jewelry
  • Crystal products
  • Astrology Products
  • Tarot Kits
  • Astrology Charts