Soul Mate + Workshop
Soul Mate + Workshop
Soul Mate + Workshop. what is a soul Mate? How do we find them? Is this really where we find true love? Can we have more than one Soul Mate?

On This Week’s Show
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Soul Mate
Soul Mate is important for all of us.
Certainly we can have more than one Sou Mate in our lives. And no it is not always the person we are in love with and spend the rest of our lives with.
Because we feel the persona we fall in love is our Soul Mate, they can be or it can be someone else we do not share that type of relationship with.
So we need have an open mind to what a Soul Mate really means.
This a a person we have a soul connection with. There is lessons to be learnt and not always easy. Certainly they are sent o challenge us on every level.
They bring out all types of emotions good and bad.
So next time you ask for Soul Mate remember they may not be the love of your life.
They maybe someone like your neighbor and you just have lessons to complete together.
Above all just believe in the process and Soul mates comes in many different forms in our lives.
New Year Manifest
Happy New Year is always the time hen we set our intentions for the year ahead.
So why not this year make it count in a more positive and dynamic way with manifestation.
First of all we need to weed out anything from our lives that no longer serves us and release it now.
Because we want this year to be more successful and rewarding than previous years.
Hence we need a list of intentions to be more complete an longer ranging that a week or a month when we are performing short term manifestation.
Above all we take our New Year;s Resolutions and we turn them into action by setting manageable goals and a plan for the next 12 months.
So first of all we write the headlines to the year ahead breaking it down in to months.
Then we will work month by month and also bring into the intent our bigger longer plans as well. Therefore we may have more than one manifestation list to work with.
Lets keep it simply to being with and spend a 7 day period manifesting the headlines for the year a ahead.
Finally we can then move onto a more comprehensive week to a month manifestation for a period of 7 day on and then 7 days break. Burning our candles for 15 mins per day to 2 hours.
Soul Mate + Workshop. what is a soul Mate? How do we find them? Is this really where we find true love? Can we have more than one Soul Mate?
Aquarius the 11th Sign of the Zodiac + The Water Bearer +Air Sign + Fixed + Active
To learn more about the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.
For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading
To learn more about the sign of Aquarius or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.
Soul Mate + Workshop. what is a soul Mate? How do we find them? Is this really where we find true love? Can we have more than one Soul Mate?

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV
Saturn in Capricorn
First of all I hear you say how does this planet get such air play all the time. Furthermore Saturn is known as the planet of discipline or the Father figure planet.
I have always been very respectful of this planet knowing full well his lessons are slow definite and usually final.
So Saturn in Capricorn is helping us work through the maze of issues surround the globe now.
From Global warming to Politics and everything in between Saturn is trying to bring some sense and structure to these and many more issues we face in our daily lives with a watchful eye on the future generations and what their needs and requirements will be.
Saturn bring s structure to our lives even in the time of wild chaos and bring changes into the world because the masses will unite and demand changes.
So even though change can be slow it will be definite and bring much needed changes and structure we can all live by for the immediate future and beyond.
Make your voice be heard loud and clear in a definite way when the opportunities arise eg. voting in elections. Saturn in is Capricorn fro approximately 2 1/2 years only.
Meditation + workshop. It is time to slow down and still the mind now. Time to allow your higher self to share messages with you for now & the future.
Simply Tarot Card Of week
To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards
Soul Mate + Workshop. what is a soul Mate? How do we find them? Is this really where we find true love? Can we have more than one Soul Mate?
Soy Candle Of Week
Famous Actor – Astrology
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