Patience Workshop + Mars Conjunct South Node Aquarius

Patience Workshop  + Mars Conjunct South Node Aquarius


patience-workshop-+-mars-conjunct-south-node-aquarius. Patience is a skill we all need to learn and use in our daily lives now and always.



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The Amanda Hall Psychic Show

A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV



This Week show

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Patience X large candle


This is word we often hear during our daily life.

But what doe it mean?

First of all to wait for tings or opportunities to preset them selves to us.

Certainly the ability to continue to preserve even though it may be difficult.

As a result being able to suffer without complaining and not showing your true feelings of being annoyed over the situation at hand.

Seems like some times the reward for patience is more patience.

Hence sometimes it seems like we are being taught a major lesson in life when  things or situations do not pan out the way we thought they should

Certainly life is a journey we all undertake and along the way we learn our lessons, an patience is one of those.

Finally when  you master the skill of patience the reward for this is more patience and a peace of mind like no other.

patience-workshop-+-mars-conjunct-south-node-aquarius. Patience is a skill we all need to learn and use in our daily lives now and always.


Virgo the 6th Sign of the Zodiac + The Virgin + Earth Sign + Mutable + Passive 



Virgo the Virgin is a mutable and practical sign.  Always needing to analyses every pieces of information before proceeding.

First of all a steady and some time unemotional person, who appears to not have an opinion as they absorb all the information to analyses.

While they love to look after their psychical health with good nutrition and exercise is a must.

For that reason the feeling of being psychically well is very important to them always.

Finally Virgo’s can be obsessed with medical conditions this and can lead to hypochondria.

But above all they need to understand all the information being presented to them and then they will move forward with action then.


Virgo loves Knowledge

First of all knowledge and understanding is the power they crave from understanding all information.


But they spend a lot of their time deep in thought and analyzing every minute detail of the information at hand.

First of all they need to be very detached and unemotional to be able to  absorb all the information to be analyzed.

So when you understand this is so important to them and being able to put the knowledge to the best use.

But they are always looking for ways to improve their life and psychic health.

First of all they need a good well balanced diet especially high in raw or natural food sources to give them optimum energy and well being.

Above all always exploring the latest in diet and exercise fads in the market place.

Certainly not all ideas  for nutrition and exercise will work but they need to explore them all .


To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading





Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV


Mars conjunct Pluto & South Node in Aquarius

Mars the planet of action and war

Now that Mars  is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius(holding hands)
Time of turmoil and unrest in big organizations & groups


Certainly a time of wild unstable energy flowing achieve balance and share the seemingly new knowledge we have uncovered.

Seem like the everyone is power drunk and wants to be the leader and they probably believe they deserve to be. But do they?

As a result we have many power struggles taking place in all areas of life and groups we are involved in from small to large.

But this spill over into all ares of personal and professional life. This is the time to keep your ego in check and ask yourself why you feel this is the right time to put your hand up to be in power, do you deserve this? Maybe so.

Everyone want to be noticed now.

Because most of us feel some sort of entitlement energy right now and to be noticed. we need to be careful not to alienate the people that are important to us to achieving our goals and are important to the bigger picture moving forward.

Seem like it is going to be an interesting time ahead of all of us as we try sort out the issues as they surface. Old family issues, work probles are likely to be coming to the surface and not in a pleasant way, tempers will be fiery and nasty.

As a result the best thing to do is try to diffuse the situation and not get involved in this destructive behavior as it will achieve nothing but lowering your self to their level and create more chaos that needs to be addressed and sorted .

How does this affect Us

Furthermore this has been simmering under the surface with them for a long time and now it has reached boiling point.

Finally they have not had the courage to bring these issues up before in a civilized manner. Now they are ready and will not back down.

So contrast you can take the higher ground and not play their into the games being played out.

Certainly try suggest some constructive solutions and then we can achieve real definite progress in the situation and a solution may emerge now.



South Node

When Conjunct the South Node is where we try to escape or take the easy way out of a situation or life.


south node

For the record life is  not always easy and we as humans try to find the easy way to resolve an issue or problem. This is not easy at times

But of course it will never be quite as easy as we would like it be and can cause a lot of stress now. Pus some very angry outbursts are frequent.

Now on to a more general interpretation for Mars/Pluto Conjunct North Node.

We should be aspiring to bring trying to find answers to the problems at hand in a peaceful way


Now making the your world a better place


Making your world a better place is the goal. But unfortunately the road to achieving this will take a lot of skillful communication and leaving egos out of the negotiations. People have their own agendas now and need to be heard.

A time when we need to be finding solutions to the bigger problems on a personal and global level may seem impossible.

But it will take some skillful maneuvering as we proceed forward and decisions are made. real progress can be achieved now and well into the future if we allow sudden and new ways of thinking to emerge and cfreate the solutions needed for the future



How does the South Node work in the chart?


Where we find the South Node in a chart is where we try to take the easy way out in our life.

It can be seen as part of our Karma.

We all come down to earth with a number of lessons to complete and we all try to achieve this.

So sometimes the South Node is said to be a like the devil sitting on our shoulder guiding us in the wrong way or not taking responsibility for our actions.

What do we need to do in this life and try not to find the easy way out as it may not be the best in the longer term as we hurt other people that are important to us even our selves.


To Binge watch previous shows


  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



patience-workshop-+-mars-conjunct-south-node-aquarius. Patience is a skill we all need to learn and use in our daily lives now and always.


Simply Tarot Card Of week




To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards

patience-workshop-+-mars-conjunct-south-node-aquarius. Patience is a skill we all need to learn and use in our daily lives now and always.


Soy Candle Of Week

Patience -X Large candle


Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson




Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present PATIENCE– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.

I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.

Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our PURRPOSE INTENT – P– DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION



Finally on this week workshop

To Binge watch previous shows