New Moon In Leo + Workshop

New Moon In Leo + Workshop


New-moon-Leo+workshop-Perfect time for manifesting and attracting big and exciting opportunities towards us now. Think big the world stage is for you.

A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Welcome to my weekly show

The Amanda Hall Psychic Show

A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV

On This Week’s Show

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New Moon in Leo is the a fresh start and new opportunities are all possible now.

First of all when the moon is new it s the perfect time to set our goal s for the month ahead and beyond.

Above all this is the perfect time to write you list on a piece of paper of at least 2 short term goals.

Hence we hope to complete within the month ahead.

Furthermore 1 or more longer term goals we are constantly working towards for the future.

So many of us have great ideas in our mind and that is where it stays.

Because now we need to change this and start to set our goals in motion.

The Leo Lion is always ready to perform and take control of everything.

Being the fifth sign you demand that everyone admires you always.

When they don’t you can get easily upset and start to roar so they notice you.

Always ready for new adventures and ready show your superior strength to everyone who will take notice. You command respect and attention always.




How to understand your Leo

You can be fiery and outspoken people need to respect you when you roar or speak.

All you are doing it trying to achieve the all the attention being bestowed on you always.

You love to be the center of attention ad the world is your center stage and never shy to perform on command.

Being pushed in a corner is dangerous as you will come our roaring and ready to battle.

Very protective of what is considered yours. You will fill fight to the death not matter what.

Probably most people respect and admire you. There can never be too much of this in your jungle.

New-moon-Leo+workshop-Perfect time for manifesting and attracting big and exciting opportunities towards us now. Think big the world stage is for you.


Leo is the 5th Sign of the Zodiac + The  Lion+ Fire Sign + Fixed + Active


To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading







Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Saturn In Capricorn


With Saturn in Capricorn Wow I hear you say how does this planet get such air play all the time.

Well Saturn is known as the planet of discipline or the Father figure planet.

I have always been very respectful of this planet knowing full well his lessons are slow definite and usually final.

So Saturn in Capricorn is helping us work through the maze of issues surround the globe now.

From Global warming to Politics and everything in between Saturn is trying to bring some sense and structure.

To these and many more issues we face in our daily lives with a watchful eye on the future generations and what their needs and requirements will be.


How long is the cycle of Saturn


Saturn bring structure to our lives even in the time of wild chaos and bring changes into the world because the masses will unite and demand changes.

So even though change can be slow it will be definite and bring much needed changes and structure we can all live by for the immediate future and beyond.

Make your voice be heard loud and clear in a definite way when the opportunities arise eg. voting in elections. Saturn in is Capricorn fro approximately 2 1/2 years only.


Jupiter In Scorpio

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and opportunity


Plus remember we have the gentle and positive energy coming from Jupiter in Scorpio.

Helping to unlock the mysteries of our emotions and give us the best intuition and guidance on how to proceed forward with confidence now in our lives.

This is very powerful time for all of us and should not be wasted.

It is a time when answers will seem to come from no where.

The mysteries of life will be revealed and we can clear the blockages that have been holding us back for such a long time now.

Just take your time don’t force anything and allow the ideas to come in and flow like the ebb and tide of the water of of the Scorpio energy and it will.


To Binge watch previous shows





  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV





New-moon-Leo+workshop-Perfect time for manifesting and attracting big and exciting opportunities towards us now. Think big the world stage is for you.



Simply Tarot Card Of week





To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards

New-moon-Leo+workshop-Perfect time for manifesting and attracting big and exciting opportunities towards us now. Think big the world stage is for you.



Soy Candle Of Week

New Moon Large candle info
Fire sign gift box set candles Aries – Leo- Sagittarius


Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson


John Lennnon Male Libra



Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present NEW MOON IN LEO– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.

I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.

Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION


Finally on this week workshop

To Binge watch previous shows