Sun in Capricorn+ Workshop

Sun in Capricorn+ Workshop

Sun-in-Capricorn-workshop – 10th sign of the Zodiac the Goat – Practical and governing big business and all official areas of your life. Need to eat often.



Amanda Hall Psychic Show
A1R Psychic Radio On Moonstruck TV
The countdown begins for my radio/tv show
Day time starting next Tuesday!
5.00 Pm USA Eastern
10.00 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.00 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.00 am


This Week show

To Binge watch previous shows

Sun In Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn  happens once a year as early as the 16th of the month and as late as the 26th. So why does this happen. Then Sun enters on different dates each year for each sign depending on the earth’s wobble. That is why some people describe I am born on the “Cusp” This is not exactly true. They are born within the range I have given you as a guide line for when the Sun can enters the Zodiac or Sun Sign for this year. The word Cusp is the correct word for the line that divides the Zodiac/Astrology Sign energies into the 12 houses.



Capricorn the Goat  is a cardinal sign with practical and earthy attitude. 

Always ready to explore the complexities of a new business deal or proposal.

First of all a they are the sign that governs Government, big business and all official building and areas of our lives.

While they have well developed sense of money and finances it is based on practical and logical ways not intuition. 

For that reason they can be very obsessive and unable to be flexible when presented with new ideas.

Finally Capricorn’s love to have money in the bank and a direction or plan they are following to give them more money and security in every area of life. 

But above all they need to have people around them they rely to give them great advice in financial areas.


Capricorn needs practical people in their lives  

First of all they need to feel they have your complete trust when it comes to finances.

But they need to spend time alone to go over the paper work and figures before they make a final decision.

First of all they need to respect you options. Then they will set tests for you to pass then they will give you more responsibility.

So when you understand this is so important to them you will be given more free will to explore and present to them new business proposals and they will give them a fair hearing.

But they are always looking to make sure you fully understand that money and success are always top of the list.

First of all they need to feel in control of money and business transactions.  Then they may let you have an opinion of your own. And some times you can make some of your decisions as long as they approve them first.

Above all their very grounded ad money is always the first and last result they need to achieve . Always looking for more ways to make money.  They need respect from people they work with and approach in deals.

Certainly it can be difficult at times as there is little or no communication about financial deals or negotiations until they see fit to share them with you if ever.


Sun-in-Capricorn-workshop – 10th sign of the Zodiac the Goat – Practical and governing big business and all official areas of your life. Need to eat often.


Chrion Conjunct Moon In Aries



Chiron is the wounded healer so when he moves into another energy we all need to sit up and take notice. 

How and why will this affect me over next 9 years until 2027.

Wow I hear you say this a long time for us to work on ourselves.

Well are all a work in progress as we move this lifetime or incarnation.

Chiron in Aries is asking us to take everything back to the I, me myself and how does this affect me before I can begin to look at how it may affect you and us.

This may seem selfish but it is not meant to be that at all.


Chiron Is about Healing


About being focused on the job at hand and that is healing us first and foremost and then we can progress onto the bigger picture of healing other people because we are now in a better place and have healed most of our old wounds.

This will seem very confronting at at time, as it challenges the way we view the world and what used to work in the past.

That now seems to be obsolete and needs a different approach to make ups fresh and new. It will come in waves of activity.

Healing is good for us 

So the pressure will not seem so intense all the time. then we will have some fun elements with our new found freedom from pain and suffering and move into a playful and childlike direction.

Finally as we move through life with this new fresh approach and this will create new directions and opportunities for us to explore.

Some people will look at their methods of healing through new eyes. Searching and researching the new modern ways of managing our health and well being.

For some it will be time of really delving deep into our emotions and releasing them from the soul through various methods of healing like Past Life Regressions and Hypnosis.

Do what works for you and have an open mind to new ideas. A powerful transformation is now underway.



Capricorn is the 10th Sign of the Zodiac + The Goat + Earth Sign + Cardinal+ Passive


Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of


Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading


Sun-in-Capricorn-workshop – 10th sign of the Zodiac the Goat – Practical and governing big business and all official areas of your life. Need to eat often.


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Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV


Simply Tarot Card Of week



To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards


Soy Candle Of Week





Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson




Amanda Hall Psychic Workshop Series 


The countdown begins for my TV show on- Each week a different workshop
Facebook Live –during the day starting next Tuesday!

5.30 Pm USA Eastern
10.30 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.30 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.30 am


Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results.

Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles

Will assist complete the process of changes in our lives.

Bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you.

We can all achieve so much more.


Finally on this week workshop

To Binge watch previous shows



Full Moon in Capricorn + Workshop

Full Moon in Capricorn + Workshop


Full-moon-in-Capricorn-+-workshop Time to release all outworn and old on a practical level. All government and official areas of life need attention now.


A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV

Welcome to my weekly show

The Amanda Hall Psychic Show

A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV




This Week show

To Binge watch previous shows



Full Moon in Capricorn is one of the most stabilizing when we start to think about where we are going and what needs our attention to achieve our goals.

For many of us it is a time when we slow right down and make sure the thinking is inline with our goals for the immediate and long term future.

We have been slowly working towards bring stability into our lives and now we need to take that next step to achieving this.

For some of us it will be time when we go over our accounts and where and how our money is being spent and is there ways of making it work better for us by making changes.


Full Moon Energy


Anything that is considered official or important in our lives now needs to be addressed and making sure it is working for us and not against us.

Some people their health will be something they need to address, for other it maybe legal or official matters.

You will not find you are not daydreaming much at the moment, you feel you can not waste valuable time at the moment on fanciful things.

Like wasting time daydreaming and making plans for the future which are a long way off now.

Grounding and bringing more stability into all areas of you life is where you want your life to head now and for the future.



Full-moon-in-Capricorn-+-workshop Time to release all outworn and old on a practical level. All government and official areas of life need attention now.




The Capricorn energy is always about, structure and the important areas of our lives, especially any




connected to Government, big business.

All the official areas of life we need to deal with.

From time to time in our lives we need to look at restructure and making our lives more organized the Capricorn energy encourage this in a big way.


Time to slow down


A time to slow down and take stock before we make the changes necessary to make our lives function better and flow more smoothly.

Not know for speed under this influence, this may cause frustration for those who are around you and needing fast and decisive answers.

They will have to learn patience and wait for you to come to the party with information required to move forward.

Make sure you don’t use this as a reason for procrastination and delaying the changes that need to happen now.

As this will not make you happy and bring reward into your life in the long run. It is about balance now.


Capricorn the 10th Sign of the Zodiac + The Goat +Earth Sign + Capricorn + Passive

To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading






Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Uranus is the allowing us to break free of restrictions

Now that Uranus has just moved in Taurus from 15th May 2018 to 26th April 2026

Personal perspective for all us


With Uranus has just moved in Taurus from 15th May 2018 to 26th April 2026 wow what a long transit I hear you say.

Well not exactly as slower moving or long range outer planets always move at a different ans slower pace than the faster moving more personal planets.

Well this is going to be a time of massive changes for all of us personally and globally.

Now we will look at how this is going to affect us globally.


Bull’s In the Paddock energy.

We will see a bit of power being tossed around like Bull’s in a paddock as they try to convince everyone else including them selves they are the most powerful person on the globe.


We ll we all know this is not true so it will be interesting to see them all play silly school children games as we try to get down to the serious issues of fixing the world and it problems.

After they settle down and put their ego’s to bed we will find some real progress on some of the biggest issues the world now faces.

There will be a slow down and really examine how to approach these issues and formulate some definite and progressive directions to move forward.

Not everyone will be on board at the beginning and will need time to absorb the information and come to the table to support and help move the thing forward in the name of the globe.

It will be an exciting time to be alive and watch history in the making.



Venus Conjunct North Node In Leo


Now with  Venus is the planet of love and affection and can show us how we should view love in our lives.

Love is a very ambiguous word or feeling as it means different things to different people.

How do we determine Venus in Leo well proud dramatic.

Over the top comes to mind anything where Leo is involved it has to be big and dramatic.

Now when it comes to love comes in a big package and some times with baggage too.

So be prepared for the the drama and theatrics of Leo here.


North Node

Venus love luxury, comfortable and beautiful surrounding so they can nurture love and build the relationship with their love interest or partner.

Page of cups

When conjunct the North Node they will be trying to achieve great heights in the union and shouting it from the roof tops.

For the whole world to hear and see how perfect this relationship is and how you should aspire to have one just like mine.

But of course it will never be quite as good as mine. As mine is perfect and I deserve this.


What Next?


Now on to a more general interpretation for Venus Conjunct North Node .

We should be aspiring to bring more beauty and comfort into our lives.

By music, arts, making our surroundings more opulent and dramatic.

This will increase our pleasure in life and so hence will improve our mood and how we

view the world.

A time when we don’t want to focus on the negatives of the world, we want life to be a party and everyone to be happy.

A nice thought if only life could be that way. Something to aspire to globally.

To Binge watch previous shows


Full-moon-in-Capricorn-+-workshop Time to release all outworn and old on a practical level. All government and official areas of life need attention now.



Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Full-moon-in-Capricorn-+-workshop Time to release all outworn and old on a practical level. All government and official areas of life need attention now.

Simply Tarot Card Of week



To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards

Full-moon-in-Capricorn-+-workshop Time to release all outworn and old on a practical level. All government and official areas of life need attention now.


Soy Candle Of Week

Full Moon Sign Large candle info
Earths Sign gift box set candles info



Secrets Of Tarot – Teach yourself Tarot

Tarot Today- 1st Birthday



Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson



Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.

I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.

Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION


Finally on this week workshop

To Binge watch previous shows