Secrets Of Tarot Workshop + Capricorn & Saturn Influence

Secrets Of Tarot Workshop

Capricorn & Saturn Influence


Secrets-of-tarot-teach-yourself-kit-+-Saturn-in-Capricorn-influence. How will this affect your life over the next couple of years as Saturn challenges you


A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Welcome to my weekly show

The Amanda Hall Psychic Show

A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV


On This Week’s Show

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Saturn in Capricorn

First of all I hear you say how does this planet get such air play all the time.

Furthermore  Saturn is known as the planet of discipline or the Father figure planet.

I have always been very respectful of this planet knowing full well his lessons are slow definite and usually final.

So Saturn in Capricorn is helping us work through the maze of issues surround the globe now.

From Global warming to Politics and everything in between Saturn is trying to bring some sense and structure to these and many more issues we face in our daily lives with a watchful eye on the future generations and what their needs and requirements will be.

Saturn bring s structure to our lives even in the time of wild chaos and bring changes into the world because the masses will unite and demand changes.

So even though change can be slow it will be definite and bring much needed changes and structure we can all live by for the immediate future and beyond.

Make your voice be heard loud and clear in a definite way when the opportunities arise eg. voting in elections. Saturn in is Capricorn fro approximately 2 1/2 years only.


Sun Conjunct Mercury Retrograde

Sun In the where our ego and drive comes from the center of our universe.

Mercury is the planet of ideas, communication and thoughts.


Any time we have the Sun and Mercury Retrograde Conjunct ( or holding hands) in Aries we need to be mindful of the words coming out of mouth do not in any way sound threatening or angry as we communicate with others.

Sometimes we are just so focused on delivering the message and we are unaware of the tone in our voice and how others will respond to what is being said.

This can be the perfect time to have those difficult conversations and bring up issues that my have been bothering us for some time in a definite manner without anger or malice.

Make sure the other person is listening and is also being heard as their input and communication is equally as important now. Major resolutions are now possible.


Secrets-of-tarot-teach-yourself-kit-+-Saturn-in-Capricorn-influence. How will this affect your life over the next couple of years as Saturn challenges you


Capricorn the 10th Sign of the Zodiac + The Goat + Earth Sign + Cardinal + Passive


To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Simply Astrology Book

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading




Secrets-of-tarot-teach-yourself-kit-+-Saturn-in-Capricorn-influence. How will this affect your life over the next couple of years as Saturn challenges you

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Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Simply Tarot Card Of week




To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards


Soy Candle Of Week

Secrets Of Tarot X Large candle info
Secrets of Tarot gift box set candles info


Now – Teach yourself Tarot – Secrets Of Tarot –  Tarot Today- 1st Birthday




Secrets of Tarot


The perfect time is now to learn a new skill like Tarot. This can help us make decision in our lives and take control of  where our life is heading. Many of us feel the winds of change blowing through urn lives now and are looking for new and innovative ways to make changes in our lives. Secrets of Tarot Kit is designed for you in a simple step by step guide to teach your self today.



Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present SECRETS OF TAROT– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.

I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.

Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION


Finally on this week workshop

To Binge watch previous shows



Simply Tarot or Secrets 0f Tarot

Simply Tarot or Secrets of Tarot

Simply-Tarot-or-Secrets-of-Tarot – by Amanda Hall Psychic. Award winning Simply Tarot & Secrets of Tarot teach your self Tarot Kits .

                           Simply Tarot or Secrets Of Tarot Kits

Unsure of what decision to make or what lies ahead?


Unlock the mysteries of Tarot to find your path with this fantastic kit will have your reading your own future today with confidence.

Learn to read your very own tarot card today with this teach yourself step by step kit.


Simple and easy to follow from the book we will have your reading your own cards quickly.


                4 of Cups tarot card

Answer will come quickly when you work with the Simply Tarot or Secrets of Tarot cards with a basic

meaning printed on the bottom of the card to help you gain insight into your life plus to help tune into your own intuition and guidance


Amanda Hall Psychic

  Hinkler Books

Professional clairvoyant and astrologer Amanda Hall brings her over 40 years’ experience. After working and teaching Tarot for many year I had the pleasure of working with Hinkler Book Australia and designing the Simply


Tarot Set with DVD in 2005 then we we went onto create Secrets of Tarot in 2017 just for you. Based on my many years of working with the Tarot my first deck was the Rider Waite Tarot deck which we recreated using purpose shot photographs and real live people and animals to bring the card to life for the 21st century.



Simply Tarot Master Class
Simply Tarot Master Class in the virtual classroom for the modern learning on Video Skype

Amanda commenced teaching many years ago with the Rider Waite deck and typed up sheets with

meaning of the cards and how to lay them out into different spreads.

When I was fortunate enough to work with Hinkler Books designing Tarot Cards and Book for them our first project

was the Simply Tarot Cards with Book Cards and DVD I suggested the meaning on the bottom of the card as it would make it really easy to perform a reading.

I have enjoyed every minute of teaching people how to improve their intuition and working with Simply Tarot cards and now Secrets of Tarot.

My students have range from people all walks of life and life skills. Some had no knowledge and other came with much experience and were already in the psychic industry before joining me in the classroom.


I have spent many years of teaching and training some of the worlds best psychics.





Psychic Tools

Tarot Cards tools ready for reading -candle journal and pen for taking notes of reading

Tarot and Astrology have always been her favorite tools to use. There are many different tools to choose from.

I always suggest you work with what you are drawn to. Some times it is a past life experience we draw on and this guides us in this life to where we need to go and how we learn our new skill from a teacher or a self taught method.

We never stop learning and improving our skills during our life.

Candles keep the energy clean and protected as you work with your tools and perform readings.



Simply Tarot Original with DVD and Simply Tarot Limited Edition


              Simply Tarot Set with DVD

The original Simply Tarot comes with a 46 min DVD to help you learn faster. The Richly colourful

Simply Tarot

Cards and 64 page colour book which mirror images the DVD for the complete learning system.




Secrets Of Tarot Kit

Secrets of Tarot
   Secrets of Tarot


Well in the box you will find the most beautiful 32-page full-colour book.

The Tarot Cars set comprises 78 richly illustrated cards with the imagery.

Tarot Cards using the Major and Minor Arcana.





Learn Today


Tarot Reading

With easy to follow instructions on how to lay the cards out and perform readings for your self using 78-card

laminated Tarot cards. You can book your very own private lessons with Amanda Hall @ lessons are private on the video skype any where any time.




Protection X Large candle info

When working with the Tarot or other Psychic Tools it is always important to protect yourself.

You work or psychic space must all be cleared and ready to receive information from your readings .

Secrets Of Tarot Soy Candles are perfect for this.

Light your candle and say a pray, then proceed into a small meditation as you stare into your candle and ask for

protection and clear your mind before commencing any psychic or reading.

This only need to be 10 mins and always thank your teams of guides for being with you and guiding you each time.



Simply Tarot or Secrets Of Tarot –  Soy Candles

Simply Tarot X Large Candle

Light the candle before you commence your reading. This helps yo get you into good intentions and open up your psychic powers to work with your guides in a protected and calm energy space.

Say your protection/pray as you stare into the flame of the candle for a few minutes in a calm and meditative space before you commence Working with psychic tools.




Protection Mini Candle Gift Box Set

Candles are a great way of meditating by gazing into the flame and allow your mind to clear. This can a good point of

focus especially if you have a busy mind and find it hard to meditate. practice does make perfect mediation is no different.

The candle burning bright from your Secrets Of Tarot candle clears the space ready for reading. Being in a calm and clear energy space is always recommended before commencing any  Psychic work.



Record your reading

Tarot Cards tools ready for reading -candle journal and pen for taking notes of reading

Keep a journal of your readings for future reference. This helps you chart your progress and see what has happened in your life that you have been given information for from your reading and your own intuition.

Always a good habit to get into to keep a journal and read it often. Many extra message can come this way plus it help strengthen your psychic muscles.