New Moon in Taurus + Workshop
New Moon in Taurus + Workshop
New-moon-in-Taurus-+-workshop -2nd New Moon For Astrology Year. A fresh start and new opportunities are all possible now involving money & opportunities.

Welcome to my weekly show
The Amanda Hall Psychic Show
A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV
On This Week’s Show
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New Moon in Taurus is the second New Moon of the Astrological Year a fresh start and new opportunities are all possible now.
With the Taurus energy being a time to slow down and contemplate where our lives are heading.
A time of planning and making choices for the long term future including where our fiances are heading.
New Moon
Is the time when we can set our intentions for new projects we are looking to bring towards us now.
A time for long rang goal setting now as we slowly progress through the second astrological sign of Taurus asking us to reexamine our goals, and the what what we stand for.
Our principals may need an overhaul now as what has served us well in the past is now outworn.
Its time to look forward to some new rules to live our lives by.
This time is for slowing down smelling the roses or the coffee as we day dream about where our lives can be.
Heading and then find a way to put the foundations down to make them a reality over time as the year progresses.
Slow and steady wins the race now.
Taurus is the 2nd Sign of the Zodiac + The Bull+ Earth Sign + Fixed + Passive
Taurus is the second sign of the year.
Now it the time of year when our focus comes slowing down reevaluation and contemplation of our lives and where we are heading.
For some of us it will be about personal values and making sure we are living according to our own rules for life.
This maybe the time when we let go of some people who no longer serve us in our lives or the friendships and associations have run their course.
This enables us space to bring towards us new people with fresh perspective that will regurgitate us keep us moving forward.
Money and Possessions
Money and possessions are never far away when we work with the Taurus energy and this New Moon is no exception.
A time to set in motion our short and long range plans for improving our personal fiances.
Start a saving plan, revamp the budget, or even commence or plan to start new ways of saving money and making it work for you long term. The world is your oyster now.
New-moon-in-Taurus-+-workshop -2nd New Moon For Astrology Year. A fresh start and new opportunities are all possible now involving money & opportunities.
To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply
Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.
For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV
Uranus in Taurus
Allowing us to break free of restrictions
This is History in the making, Uranus has just moved in Taurus from 15th May 2018 to 26th April 2026
History time – Uranus has just moved in Taurus from 15th May 2018 to 26th April 2026 wow what a long transit I hear you say.
Well not exactly as slower moving or long range outer planets always move at a different ans slower pace than the faster moving more personal planets.
Well this is going to be a time of massive changes for all of us personally and globally.
First we will all feel the shift of energy in our focus coming back to very personal issues like our friendships, values, personal finances and how we live our life.
Personal perspective for all us
Everything will go under the microscope and nothing will be dismissed quickly
Only after deep contemplation and analyzing from all angles will something be ruled in or out on a permanent basis.
It is like the hustle and bustle of the recent of years in the distant past.
We all need to slow down and take stock of the next part of our lives.
Taking a few deep breathes and exhaling all the excessive energy now and replacing it with calm and gentle breathing for the future.
A time new opportunities that may take time to manifest but that is ok, we have the time now make them right and very strong.
A time for focus on our value systems moving forward.
Plus we will be looking towards creating and building our wealth now for long term security.
We will look at how it affect us globally in a future blog.
Pluto Conjunct Mars + in Capricorn
Mars is where we need to execute action and drive in our lives and when he is said to be conjunct or holding hands with Pluto.
The planet of transformation and change we have a very powerful combination on our hands then we add the next layer of them both being in Capricorn where we need to get down to business in every sense of the word.
How does this affect me?
I hear you ask how is this going to affect little old me and why?
Well it does affect each and everyone of us as we try to navigate our way through the days and weeks ahead.
All of us are being asked to look at what we are responsible for in our lives now and how can we make changes for the better. Is there important decision or changes we have been putting of now and making excuses about?
Now we have to make a start on addressing these today. Not everything in our lives can be sorted this quickly but we can make a start.
If you are unhappy with something then now is time to kook at how we can transform our lives into being more aligned with our goals and wishes, for some this we seem very confronting and overwhelming, break it down in very small steps now.
To Binge watch previous shows
- Simply Tarot Card Of week
- Soy Candle Of Week
- Mini Astrology Lesson
- A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV
New-moon-in-Taurus-+-workshop -2nd New Moon For Astrology Year. A fresh start and new opportunities are all possible now involving money & opportunities.
Simply Tarot Card Of week
To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards
New-moon-in-Taurus-+-workshop -2nd New Moon For Astrology Year. A fresh start and new opportunities are all possible now involving money & opportunities.
Soy Candle Of Week
Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson
Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present NEW MOON IN TAURUS– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.
I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.
Small changes bring results
Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.
I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION
Finally on this week workshop
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